Sunday, May 31, 2009

If you have seen a musical with a green witch...

Check this riddle out if you are a wicked fan. That means you Aunt Jill.

This is a series of riddles, whose answers all have a relation to each other. Answer the riddles to find the relation.

Riddle 1:

I am a bond that is hard to break,
And you can have one of me with anyone,
as long as you remain kind and friendly.

Riddle 2:

I was born of a person,
who shares their name with a weapon.
They called America the golden land,
But I'm the one with the street of gold.
I have 4 regions,
North, South, East, and West.

Riddle 3:

I arrive when one must play along with something that they don't agree with.
When one fights the higher power,
I am there.

Riddle 4:

If I want to,
I can fight the science textbook.
People want my power,
yet instead of revering me,
they might kill me.


They all relate to the musical Wicked.
The answers to the riddles are, in order: friendship, the Land of Oz, rebellion, witches.

Friendship, once it's made, is hard to sever, and you can be friends with any person, as long you remain friendly.

The land of Oz was created by L. Frank Baum, which is pronounced like the weapon that one throws and it explodes. It also possess the famous Yellow Brick Road. Oz is typically broken up into its four regions, which if you read other Oz books or the novel by Gregory Maguire on which Wicked was based,
you'd know were called (starting North and going counter clockwise) Gillikin, Munchkinland, Quadling Country, and the Vinkus.

People rebel when they are forced to deal with something they find wrong.
People rebel against the higher power that is making them go along with the situation that they find wrong.

A witch can defy the laws of nature, which would be written in a science textbook. Most people want the power to magically do whatever they can't do, and yet most recorded "witch" encounters stated that the witches were evil and should be killed.

I'm outta there

I am free!! Although 7th grade was horrible, you only go through it once so i hade a few good memories. I rember some kid would always come out of the mile the first day because his mom was a dean and she would write him the P.E. excuse. He got out of one for having a "cough". He had to curl his lip into his mouth just to get a cough out. he also broke his pinky so he "couldn't" write or run the mile. Anyway,I am free at last. BYE!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hey!! Look at this!!

Well, I was looking through my pictures and I did some cropping and popping of me here is something. They are from El Capitan 06.
The one that shows me drinking I call "chug". It was one of the challenges.

Well the one running in water reminds me of the face of kobe after a three point shot 40 seconds left in a game.

This one i made it so that it looks like mason is in love with me. Garett and a water baloon.

Well this one is my favorite. we had to take pictures and in guess i wanted to go out and run around but of course i had to take pictures. so i decided to get back and struck a pose similar to the movie of 2006, napolean dynamite. This one is dubbed uncle rico.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

All should be taking heed of this....

Well what's up? I am just a little annoyed (sarcasm, i know by typing this you cannot hear the tone in my voice, I am, in fact, greatly annoyed) by the texting in our country. I think we should all be like Creed Braton from the office,"What's a text?" That was from the one episode after the super bowl. Any way , i will now conduct the rest of this in the language of text. Bt srsly, y do smny pple txt like ths? It is so annying!! Ah, i cant do it! I can't type like this!! any way, right now the school year is almost over. I have may 18 through may 22, and then a weekend and memorial day. then may 26 through may 29 in which , at least, 27 and 28 i get out an hour early and the 29 i get out at 11:55. well now i won't have any tech class, which might have been the best elective ever. I programmed choose your own adventure games and i programmed animated games. Next year i am being a teacher's aide. the teacher is really funny and cool, and he is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is Mr. K, or Mr. Krauchyk( hoped i spelled it right). Right now in Mr. K's class we are taking a college course called The 5000 Year Leap. I talks about the principles of the constitution, and is helping me see what the government is screwing over. Anyway, I can't wait for summer so i can get out of 7th grade, aka the fiery pit ( if you know what i mean ). I can't wait to see all of you that don't live in Bakersfield. well bye.