Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well, i have to say....

I encourage everyone to read the article on My aunt Amy's blog... I have to say it is really right, and i know that sounds weird, but it's true. I have to say that i am so glad i am not an adult. There is so much responsibility. I know life is easier as a kid. I know I am in a state of being that is not as hard as the state of being in which adults live. I have it easier, and am trying to enjoy every moment of kid hood. well anyway i went on a camporall with a bunch of scouts. it was fun. i have school most of the time. I have to say so many things, yet i suppress it because of politeness and law. I have to say that we have so many opportunities that are ignored, or are ruined, wasted, and destroyed because of bad attitudes. I have to say that many look at life and see that it may have become worse and worse, but i have to say that this makes other things better and better, and i have to say that if we see this good that this life may not be as bad at it looks . I have to say that people see the bad things and say"that's bad"and yet we do nothing about it. I have to say that we need to take charge, change things, make things better. As Swift said, "For what use of freedom of thought if it does not produce freedom of action." I have to ask why oh why do we sit back and do nothing when there is everything to do. I have to say that when a lot of children say "i am bored" they would rather mush their brain on TV or video games, instead of reading a book or something educational. I have to say that some habits should be replaced by old habits. I have to say that most are smart Alecs. In the words a man" we think our fathers are fools, so we become wise. I wonder what our wiser children will say to us". I have to say that we need betterness.-garrett urmston.l


Amy Coontz said...

WOW! I didn't even understand half of that. Maybe I should cut back my TV watching!

Dean and Maryellen said...

you are a terrific young man. I am very impressed with you deep understanding of life at such a young age. Keep it up

Leslie said...

Garrett, You made me think of a conference talk. Good Better Best. I have to say we'll try a little betterness and bestness. Your awsome. We can hardly wait for the beach.