Sunday, March 15, 2009

Le Miserabe (or something spelled like that)

Well, friday, march 13 I went and saw The High School Production of Le Miserab, pronounced Lay Miserab, don't know how to spell it. It was great. My brother did awesome. He got ran Over by a cart (in the play)!! well it was awesome and it was the best and it was awesome and it was better than any other play and it was awesome and cool and, plus, it was mormon infested, meaning there were a lot of mormons in it and I knew them and porter's friend was in it and she was probably the best actor behind tanner and tanner was like a wine-o in the play but the botttle he was drinking out of was empty and it had contained a mango drink but it was empty during the play so hed didn't drink anything at all unless he drank something during the intermission but it wasn't alchohlaic,trust me, and he stayed up till like one out with his friends but he dind't drink, trust me, and when I say didn'tr drink i mean he didn't drink alchohal he probably drank root beer and this is probably the longest run on senctence ever and i want to end it but i can't because i've already run on forever and when I say forever i mean for a long time beacuse if i ran on forever i would die so i am going to end it in awhile no i'll end it now,no later and i'll keep talking and talking and talking and when i say talking i mean typing so i'll kepp typing and typing antyping an basketball is better than football and i am awesome and you are not stupid but you are for reading this far but not really someone count these letters and tell tem to me or porter because i am garrett not porter for if i were porter than i would be sixteen instead of twelve and right now it is six fifty six so i will type until seven o'clock for that is the time i will stop typing and i will not stop typing not even at six fifty nine which will be the time in a couple of seconds and i am cool so remeber thatand also remeber to see if president obama is doing a good job and tell me this better be a world record because i have been typing forever and when i say forever i mean for a long time it is seven, tell me the number of letters bye, says me, garrett, bye.

1 comment:

Urmston Family said...

Well done on the sentence Garrett. Did Tanner share his reese's with you maybe if you are everin a play you can invite us and we will bringyou resse's too and are you excited for the beach we are and oh my goodness i am writting i really long run on sentence and can't stop how do I stop, help...