Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mormal... Blah...

So for those of you who don't know, mormal is like a mormon prom. I think it was invented by mothers who don't have daughters, mothers like my mom. Or maybe by mothers of girls who couldn't get dates. I don't know. Luckily i missed last year since i was not sixteen. Mason was not as fortunate. Anyway, its amazing how anal everyone gets over such a stupid event. I'm not sure how, but it became a big deal at some point. So mothers of teenage sons... please, i implore you... leave them alone. Let them live their lives. They won't be deprived of some important part of growing up... They will be fine... I understand if you make them go.. but don't make them ask a girl in a cute (aka stupid and pointless) way. And don't compare it to doing service because that's really rude.. I guess that's all.

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