Well my family and me went on vacation to
Newport. We drove up Thursday and went to the beach. The waves were HUGE!!! I've been going to crappy-wave-beaches lately. Almost broke my back nose diving on a
boogie board. Did some body surfing. I kept moving to the right. Then we went to our hotel and washed up. We were watching the X Games (on cable) And a guy "only cracked a few vertebrae" trying to do a front flip on a motor cycle. then we went to where else In-N-Out. then went back to the hotel and went to bed. Next morning we got a "free continental breakfast" and went to the beach. The life guards kept on saying there was a current dragging us out. After the beach we went and showered. the we went to Cal. Pizza
Kitchen which was very
Saturday got up, had cereal, went to the beach. there I body surfed on my back! It's true. then we went home. Good weekend!! Bye!!